1. Can I cancel or change my order?
    We try to start production of all orders as soon as possible. Depending on when your order was placed, cancellation may be possible if production has not yet begun. Please contact our support team to check if changes or cancellation are possible, and give the reason you wish to cancel.

  2. My item is damaged/incorrect, what do I do?
    Please contact our support team for any items that arrived damaged, defective, or wrong item arrived, including a photo of the item. We'll arrange for a replacement item to be sent to you as soon as possible. Please do not return items to us without authorization from support first.

  3. Can I return my purchase?
    We hope you'll love the item you purchased. If there are any concerns about it or you are thinking of returning it, please contact our support team for assistance, explaining your reasons for wanting to return it. Shipping and insurance is non-refundable.

  4. My item looks different from the online listing?                                 
    This is a very rare occurrence. We make every effort to accurately represent all designs and products, though some listings make use of life-like renderings instead of photos to show how the item will look. It's possible you may have an item that is showing a defect, please take a few photos.